How I plan to use my tax refund

Monday, April 19, 2010
Yes, I was one of those people that sent their taxes in on April 14th.  A special thanks to my sister-in-law for all the hours she put into finishing them at the last minute.  This year, we are getting a nice refund.  In the past, we would put this money toward an expensive material object, like my husband's rather large flat screen TV.  However, I have many different plans this year that I hope will save us more in the long run.  Last year I planted a garden and soon realized how much water we used to water it and all of our flowers.  I had checked into some rain barrels, but no one in my area carried them and it would cost quite a bit to have one shipped.  I recently found one at Home Depot for only $99, and  I can't wait to go get it.  It is so simple..#1 It hooks right into your gutter #2  The barrel fills with rain water #3 You just attach your hose to the barrel and FREE water.  I also tried to make my own compost pile last year.  My version of compost was just throwing my leaves, grass clippings, newspapers, and veggie scraps into a pile.  I did have a friend donate some wonderful smelling rabbit droppings that I added as well.  While this was a great way to"recycle" some waste, I was really bad about turning it and taking care of it.  Right now, it is covered in wood for the fireplace.  I don't think my compost pile worked out.  This year, I plan to buy a compost holder from Home Depot for about $50.  For my family, we will probably need 2. Next year I will have dirt to add to my planters for FREE.  What else do I plan to do with the money?  Car repairs, new decking around the house, and savings.  Pretty simple.  Anyone else have some great recycling ideas that will help money.


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