Help! I'm drowning in coupons!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
It is hard to tell just how many coupons are covering my kitchen table.  I am 3 weeks behind, and I feel like I am drowning in coupons.  This past week, I only ordered coupons online to help me get caught up and ready to go again.  Time to file them into my binder so that I can prepare for the Kroger March Madness Sale.  Take my advice, don't let yourself get this far behind.  Once I get these put away today, I will have some time to work on match-ups.  Let us hear from you - how do make sure you keep up to date on your coupons each week?


  • Unknown

    I was in the same boat! Just spent time sorting them all out on the table! I hate getting behind! My goal is to stay on top of it too!
    The most helpful thing was getting a zippered binder, getting those 9 pocket sheets and most of all as you instructed, alphabetize them on the table first. THANK YOU!

  • Becky

    I concur! LOL

    I am swimming in coupons too and sadly, I think they are winning. I hope you dig out soon Laura and take to the great sale at Kroger!

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